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    Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe

    Poster of the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Vor der Morgenröte - Stefan Zweig in Amerika
    2016     Drama    
    1h 46min
    Original language: German, English, French

    A contemporary of Freud, Dali, and Theodore Herzl, Zweig was the most-translated writer in Europe. But at the height of his worldwide fame, he is driven into exile and left in despair after the downfall of Europe. Zweig is offered safe haven in the overwhelmingly beautiful tropical settings of Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, and Petropolis, but he cannot find peace nor can these cities replace the love for his true home.

    Directed byMaria Schrader
    Written byMaria Schrader, Jan Schomburg
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    Josef Hader
    Barbara Sukowa
    Nahuel Pérez Biscayart
    Valerie Pachner
    + MORE


    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe
    Photo from the movie Stefan Zweig, Farewell To Europe

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